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Huan Dao - Circling around island, Catching Up in Taiwan

Taiwanese are gripped into a new Fad. This time it is running. From 12 years old school going children to 70 years old retired person, everyone wants to circle around their own home island. They are not going on bicycle or any machine, they want to complete it on their own feet. Last year in Taipei, Timothy Liu, a 12 year old, with his 47 year old father, decided to circle around the entire island. It has a circumference of around 1200 kilometers. Both of them did it on foot, with some occasional rides from strangers. Summer heat, earthquakes, typhoon and mosquitoes could not make any deterrence to their determination. They completed it in 51 days! This exemplary evidence of courage and determination caught the eyes of other fellow Taiwanese, who too started this operation. This fever is called Huan Dao, meaning circling around the island.

Taiwan's President, Mr. Ma Ying Jeao, circled the island on bicycle during his election campaign. He was followed by a large number of journalists doing the same. This 10 days event covered 680 Km, within 70 cities and towns.

Seeing growing interest of people to go on Huan Dao, Taiwanese Railways have introduced a 14 hrs service, in which one can travel in style, with meal delivered by Five Star Hotels. It costs you NT$2050 only.


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